Requirements for Processing Governor's Consent in Lagos and Ogun State, Nigeria

In Nigeria, acquiring landed properties often involves navigating through a series of legal processes to ensure the transfer of ownership is valid and legally binding. One crucial step in this process, particularly in Lagos and Ogun States, is obtaining the Governor's Consent. This consent serves as official approval from the state government, making the property transfer legally recognized and providing security to the parties involved. Let's explore the essential requirements for processing Governor's Consent in Lagos and Ogun State, Nigeria.

1. Certificate of Occupancy (C of O): The first and foremost requirement for obtaining Governor's Consent is the possession of a valid Certificate of Occupancy or Deed of Sublease, depending on the nature of the property. The property owner must have either a C of O or Deed of Sublease issued by the State Government to initiate the consent process.

2. Payment of Consent Fee: Upon having the required Certificate of Occupancy, the next step is to pay the prescribed consent fee to the State Government. The fee is usually calculated based on a percentage of the value of the property and varies from one state to another. Once the payment is made, a payment receipt is issued.

3. Valuation Report: Both Lagos and Ogun State require a professional valuation report as part of the Governor's Consent application. The report, prepared by a registered estate valuer, helps determine the current market value of the property and is crucial for calculating the applicable consent fee.

4. Application Letter: A formal application letter seeking the Governor's Consent must be submitted to the appropriate agency responsible for processing land transactions in the state. The letter should state the purpose of the application, provide necessary property details, and include the payment receipt and valuation report.

5. Passport Photographs and Identification: The applicant, whether an individual or corporate entity, must provide recent passport-sized photographs along with a valid means of identification. For individuals, a national identification card, driver's license, or international passport is acceptable. Corporate entities should provide their certificate of incorporation and other relevant identification documents.

6. Title Documents: In addition to the Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant should also submit all relevant title documents, such as Deeds of Assignment, Deed of Gift, or Deed of Sublease. These documents prove the chain of ownership and establish the applicant's right to seek Governor's Consent.

7. Tax Clearance Certificate: Both Lagos and Ogun States require applicants to present their current tax clearance certificate as evidence of tax compliance. This certificate demonstrates that the applicant has fulfilled their tax obligations to the state government.

8. Consent of Landlord (For Sublease): If the application involves a sublease, the applicant must obtain the consent of the property's original landlord, as stated in the Deed of Sublease.

9. Development Levy Receipt (Lagos State): In Lagos State, a recent development levy receipt is required as part of the Governor's Consent application. This levy is usually calculated based on the size and classification of the property.

10. Proof of Land Use Charge Payment (Lagos State): For properties in Lagos State, the applicant must present a valid Land Use Charge payment receipt, demonstrating compliance with the state's land use charge regulations.

Conclusion: Obtaining Governor's Consent is a crucial step in the process of property transfer in Lagos and Ogun States, Nigeria. By fulfilling these essential requirements, property owners can ensure a smooth and legally recognized transaction, providing them with security and peace of mind. It is important to consult with legal professionals or relevant government agencies for up-to-date information and guidance throughout the Governor's Consent application process.