The Impact of the Land Use Act on Land Allocation for Transportation Corridors and Networks

Discover how the Land Use Act affects land allocation for transportation corridors and networks in Nigeria. Explore the positive and negative impacts of this legislation on the development of transportation infrastructure, and understand the challenges it poses for efficient land use and private investment.


5/11/20242 min read

The Impact of the Land Use Act on Land Allocation for Transportation Corridors and Networks
The Impact of the Land Use Act on Land Allocation for Transportation Corridors and Networks


The Land Use Act is a crucial legislation that governs land ownership and allocation in Nigeria. Since its enactment in 1978, it has significantly influenced land allocation for various purposes, including transportation corridors and networks. This article aims to explore the impact of the Land Use Act on land allocation for transportation corridors and networks in Nigeria.

Understanding the Land Use Act

The Land Use Act vests all lands in Nigeria in the respective state governments, making them the custodians of land. Individuals and entities can only acquire land through a leasehold arrangement, which is subject to the approval of the Governor of the state. This centralized control over land ownership has both positive and negative implications for transportation corridors and networks.

Positive Impact on Transportation Corridors

The Land Use Act has facilitated the acquisition of land for transportation corridors and networks by providing a clear legal framework. The Act enables state governments to allocate land for the construction of roads, highways, railways, and other transportation infrastructure. This streamlined process ensures that necessary land is available for transportation development, enhancing connectivity and economic growth.

Furthermore, the Act allows for the revocation of land for public purposes, including transportation projects. This provision ensures that landowners do not impede the progress of transportation development, as the government can acquire the necessary land through due process. It promotes efficient land use and prevents the fragmentation of transportation corridors.

Negative Impact on Transportation Corridors

Despite its positive aspects, the Land Use Act also poses challenges for land allocation in transportation corridors. The Act's centralized control over land ownership can lead to delays and bureaucracy in the acquisition process. Obtaining the Governor's approval for land allocation can be time-consuming, hindering the timely implementation of transportation projects.

Additionally, the Act's leasehold system may discourage private investment in transportation infrastructure. The uncertainty surrounding lease renewals and the potential for leasehold terms to be altered by the state government can deter private entities from investing in transportation corridors. This lack of private investment can limit the scale and quality of transportation networks.


The Land Use Act has a significant impact on land allocation for transportation corridors and networks in Nigeria. While it provides a legal framework for acquiring land and ensures efficient land use, it also presents challenges such as bureaucratic processes and limited private investment. To maximize the benefits of the Act, it is crucial for the government to streamline the land allocation process and provide incentives for private entities to invest in transportation infrastructure.